Our canteen is operated by the P & C and is open 5 days a week for recess and lunch service.
It is managed by Melanie Little on a daily basis from 8 am to 1.15 pm, but as with most School Canteens, our operation depends on volunteer help on a roster basis. Mums, dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles are all welcome to lend a hand. There can never be enough help. People willing to help out are asked to contact the Canteen Supervisor either by phone or come in personally and they will answer any questions you may have.
Our canteen endorses the 'Healthy School Canteen Policy' and stocks healthy, nutritious foods and snacks. The program categorises foods into Green, Amber and Red food groups. Due to the severe allergic reactions of some students, we do not stock any peanut products. In line with the policy, the canteen has occasional special days when a wider range of products are sold e.g. sausage sizzles, snow cones, certain types of confectionery.
Our mission is to provide healthy and delicious food options while maintaining relatively low prices.
- A Canteen Price List is forwarded home twice a year and is available from the canteen, school office or online.
- Lunch orders can be made digitally through the My School Connect app or can be written on a lunch bag from home and placed together with money in the boxes on the counter before 9.25am . Note: Recess orders are available for years 2-6.
- Students are expected to display the highest standards of manners and politeness when using the canteen.
If you can help as a voluntary worker in the canteen, please ring 49428211.